Safety Health Environment and Quality Aspects
Bulldog Construction accepts its moral responsibility to ensure a safe and healthy environment for all employees to work in, including persons who may be exposed to work being executed.
The Management and staff of Bulldog Construction are committed to abide by the policy objectives as defined hereunder:
– All accidents are avoidable
– Everyone is responsible for organizing accident prevention at his or her own level on the project.
– Health and Safety training is essential
– Prevention is an integral part of the quality approach.
– Working safely is ensuring your job.
– Accident prevention is a worthwhile investment.
– Bulldog Construction project management team commits itself to the above objectives and targets for all projects undertaken.
– The results of monthly audits at 90% compliance.
– Compliance with the legal requirements set out in the Occupational Health and Safety Act, Act 85 of 1993, (OHSA) and Regulations.
– Compliance with the Client’s Safety Specification for Construction and construction.
– To minimise the risk.
– Protection of the work force.





“Businesses are built on relationships and not transactions”
Contact Us
Telephone : 033-396-9930
Email :
19 Oak Lane, Cleland, 3201
Pietermaritzburg South Africa